We’ve had had trailers of X-MEN: Days of Future Past before, but the new trailer which was released earlier today gives a clear plot on what can we expect for the upcoming outrageous, exciting, enticing and heart-pounding in-between-quel (Because it is not just a sequel nor a prequel, it’s in between, and that’s according to director Bryan Singer)
It is clear that the plot of the movie is going to be that the X-MEN heroes and villains will team up and their battle is with the Sentinels which are the robots killing mutants. Logan (Wolverine) must return to the past and change it!
I bet this will be the best X-MEN film! I can’t wait until May 23, 2014!
(Picture source: http://latino-review.com/2014/04/new-trailer-x-men-days-future-past/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_166750)